23 November 2023

A private donor has generously pledged $10,000 in matching funds to Stray Hearts for GIVING TUESDAY 2023!

That means ANY DONATION, ANY AMOUNT you make this Giving Tuesday ~ midnight to midnight on November 28 ~ will be MATCHED DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR by this donor up to $10,000.

So, a $25 gift means you’re giving a $50 gift.

A $50 gift means you’re really giving $100.

And so on.

TAKE ADVANTAGE of this donor's gift to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your OWN gift!

GIVING TUESDAY, often described as a global day of giving, is held EACH YEAR on the TUESDAY after Thanksgiving (this year it’s November 28).

On Giving Tuesday 2021, nonprofits in the U.S. alone raised $2.7 billion.

“Matching funds” - dollars typically pledged by both generous individual donors and corporate donors such as Meta, Microsoft, Network for Good, etc. - are often leveraged to incentivize single gifts from donors on Giving Tuesday.

For animal shelters such as STRAY HEARTS, it’s OUR DAY to reach out to animal welfare groups and animal lovers - both nationally and globally - in a show of support for the work we do!

We've set a ONE DAY goal of $17,500 for GIVING TUESDAY 2023!

Please email with any questions.


If you’re interested in learning more about supporting Stray Hearts on Giving Tuesday, please email

Jason Knowles
Director, Stray Hearts Animal Shelter


Tails from the Shelter 2023


THANK YOU for coming to SHOTS ‘N CHIPS, our new low cost vaccine and FREE microchip clinic!